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I bought and cancelled this item twice before it shipped for two reasons: one because Im nuts, and two because I thought I would be dissapointed going from 1440 to 1080p. To add to this, $500 is not an easy pill to swallow especially coming from 1440p g-sync to 1080p Dyac. Coming from the Asus PG279q in 1440p, I can tell you confidently that while gaming FPS games, Battlefield, Pubg and a little CSGO, I can hardly tell the difference between 1080 and 1440 in terms of the color dynamics (more on this later). The most amazing part of this experience for me has been the speed of the monitor. This is what separates the two. While in a fight with the Zowie, you can see EVERYTHING without screen shaking because of the Dyac, Black equalizer, and AMA. The monitor processes movement and light better than the Asus in FPS gaming. It is also noticeably smoother than the Asus in FPS gaming. There is no blur or latency. Missing out on kills because 20 people are running around spamming grenades in battlefield doesnt happen. I have gotten kills with this monitor that I was not getting with the Asus. In Pubg as well, you will see everything especially enemies in windows and in shadows. Your reaction times and performance are going to improve. I spent about two weeks trying to get the color combination correct to make this monitor replicate what I have been seeing in 1440p and I totally did it (or came extremely close). I actually disconnected the Zowie and played on the Asus for one night, then when back to the Zowie and found the settings that make it look as good. Getting the color settings correct is totally do-able. Dont fret if you are dissapointed with what you see out of the box. You will have to tweek it. If you have been living in the 1440p world, youll be able reproduce the joy you found when you made your first 1440p purchase. I played Arkham Knight and Fallout 4 to test the graphics and the Zowie is nearly as amazing in 1080. The Asus PG279q is an amazing monitor that I love, still use, and cant be pried from my hands. But for FPS gaming, the Zowie is the go to. There have been people on the fence as I was, especially those who use 1440p g-sync monitors and play FPS games. Dont be. You will be happy and astonished at what this monitor will do for your FPS performance. Dont get me wrong, I love the PG279q and I can FPS game on that thing all day long and I still love it, but the Zowie is just snappier. It has made me a better player because I can see enemies much better. Its important also to have a system that can drive the monitor too. I am running a 6700k,1080ti, 32 ram. As an additional bonus, here are my color settings that allow me to see brilliant color and experience astonishing speed in all situations while gaming the BenQ Zowie XL2546 Nvidia Control Panel: Digital vibrance 85 Vertical sync: off Power management mode: prefer maximum performance BenQ Zowie Settings: Dyac: premium Black equalizer 6 Color Vibrance 6 Low blue light off Instant mode on Brightness 100 Contrast 50 Sharpness 8 Gamma 4 Color temp: bluish Ama premium Good luck and God bless :)