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Dont worry about it being an international version -- you honestly wont be able to tell it apart. As long as you take care of this like you would with any other lens and put some UV filter on it, this thing will work flawlessly and will last you awhile. Of course you cant expect it to compete against Zeiss or G-Master lenses but if youre an amateur photographer and want to add another tool to your 16-50mm lens, I would say its perfect for you! Besides the high f-stops (but what can you expect from a telephoto zoom lens?), you cant really find anything better than this for its price.
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I have been testing out this lens with the Sony a7iii (Full Frame sensor) and though the lens is designed for crop sensor cameras it does an outstanding job. Because it IS a telephoto lens, performance in anything but full light is lacking, unless of course, long exposures photographs are taken. Like another reviewer mentioned, this is no Zeiss but if youre an enthusiast, for the price, this lens cant be beat. - The first two pictures are intended to demonstrate the zoom ability of the lens, the first picture was taken at 55mm and the second at 210mm. - The third picture was taken to explore the lens long exposure at night, shot @ 30sec, f/13, and 55mm. - The last shot is 1/320sec, f/6.3, and 210mm. All of the pictures were automatically cropped by the a7iii software to APS-C sizes. No edits have been performed.
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Knowing what youre getting, this is a great deal. Its not a pro lens. Its a budget zoom that perfectly complements the kit 18-50 lens that comes on Sony a5000, a5100, a6000, and a6300. I use this lens on my a5000, and Im very happy with the results. Its the only E-mount option for getting some reach in your shots on a budget, and under $200 its a great bargain. I am happy with the quality of the images Im getting.
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From all of the reviews I was expecting a good lens at a great price, but I have really been blown away by the quality of images. Sure, Id love if this lens was faster throughout the entire focal range, but at $200 I was willing to accept that limitation. With that said, I have been able to get some really awesome night shots. This is a great addition to the kit lens with the A6000, and feels of solid quality, at a light weight. The OSS is extremely helpful at full zoom, and the focus rings are very smooth. I was definitely a bit hesitant with this being the international model, but now I cant see why anyone would spend the extra $150. After you factor in shipping (which the warranty almost never covers), and the typical small warranty fee, it would cost the same to just buy a new lens.
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Fits the Sony A6000 perfectly. A great lens for beyond the 20-50mm that comes with the camera. I was hopeful that it would work, but didnt know if it would because it said international version. The only reason I saw that would make it any different than a domestic version would be the multiple languages. It is in a sealed retail box, made by Sony.
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For the price the lens is good. Have used it for almost a week. The pictures are good. This is not a full frame lens it is an Apc style lens for an Apc (6000-6500) or E mount A7iii. You can use it on any E mount camera. If you use it on a full frame camera (A7ii-A7iii) you will get a cropped picture at about half the mega pixels. Sony A7iii will give you a 10mp picture, actually not terrible. If reach is what you are looking for then this lens is for you. You can still enable zoom and assign it to a button, C3? To get slightly further reach. If you set up Super 35 mode to auto, your camera will automatically set it to Apc mode with this lens. It is a good family lens (kids sports, family gathering, vacation. Looks brand new in a white box when I got it. Plenty of videos online. I would shoot with this at 4k 24 or HD at a high frame rate, 120mps? Responsive setting on Auto focus. Until you get that grand for 240mm or 300mm or $2400 for the 100mm to 400mm this will do. It is longer that the 70mm kit lens. I would not call it heavy at all.
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The lens is acceptably sharp for my purposes. I find it a little difficult to use zoomed out on my Sony a5000 because that body does not have a viewfinder. Just the live view screen. So I end up trying to compose or follow a narrow field of view holding the a5000 away from my face with my head leaned back so I can see through the bottom half of my bifocals. I may have to upgrade the Sony body to an a6000 to really appreciate the lens. Edit: I recently acquired a Sony a6000 body and attached this lens for a dog photo shoot at a nearby park during the golden light. Here is my favorite with the Sony 55-210 zoomed out and handheld aimed through the a6000 viewfinder. Wonderful colour and more than acceptable genral image quality. I may crop to adjust the composition a bit but the dogs owner was thrilled.
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I was absolutely shocked at how small this was. The tiny size and weight of this lens make me glad I decided to try mirrorless. This lens is not pro quality but neither is the price. Its hard to get a creamy bokeh when the largest aperature is 6.3 while fully zoomed. Would be nice if Sony would add some mid range E-mount lenses to their line up. That said, you really cant go wrong at this price. If you stick with well lit outdoor locations you wont be disappointed with this lens. It is definitely worth the price.
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When I bought my A6000 I got it with the SEL50F18 prime lens; never got one of the kit lenses. The SEL50F18 is so sharp it more than makes up for its limited versatility. However, when I recently started backyard birding, I felt the need for a telephoto lens. So I got the SEL55210, figuring even with its lackluster glass, it would get better results at 210mm than my prime lens at 50mm. I was wrong. A crop to the same scale from the prime lens is still sharper than the un-cropped shot from the SEL55210. Basically you are better off digitally zooming prime lens shots in post processing than optical zoom from the SEL55210. To be fair, it performs better in bright sunshine, but still does not really beat my trusty prime lens.
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I loved using this zoom lens for Roller Coaster photos. As a photographer in the amusement industry running a media production company, we are on a low budget. I saw this and thought it would be too go to be true. It surprised me a lot with quality. I did dirty the lens in some photos and bought a cleaning kit for the future. I think its nothing like a pro camera but does an amazing job for the price. I used it with a Sony A3000 and others it works great on all. I still think the Sony A3000 is the best budget camera and with this lens, this may be the best lens for the budget camera besides the lens that comes with the camera. So I give it a 4 out of 5 because its light is not the best but if you use Lightroom you can fix this in a quick second. Really love Sony and still think they are better than Canon with quality and customer service and less expensive than Nikon with lots of quality with the build to the equipment.
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