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Nikon AF-S VR Micro-NIKKOR 105mm f/2.8G IF-ED Lens

$‎ 80695
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Make sure this fits by entering your model number. Designed for close-up and macro photography; versatile enough for virtually any photographic situation Maximum Angle of View (FX-format): 23°20'.Features new VR II vibration reduction technology, Focal Length : 105 mm, Minimum Focus Distance : 10 ft( 0314 m) Nano-Crystal coat and ED glass elements that enhance overall image quality by further reducing flare and chromatic aberrations Includes an internal focus, which provides fast and quiet auto-focusing without changing the length of the lens. Maximum Reproduction Ratio : 1.0x Weighs 279 ounces, and measures 33 x 45 inches; Made In China ;5-Year Warranty (1-Year International + 4-Year USA Extension) Lens not zoomable
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Words cannot express how much I love this lens. My first love is macro photography and this lens gets you right in close to the subject matter. Joined with an extension tube and this lens is a BEAST!!!!!!!!!!! Not only is it great at macros but it makes a wonderful portrait lens.
I am in LOVE with this lens. I bought it back in January so I would have time to practice some before Spring arrived. I had read all the reviews here and a lot of people said it was too heavy. I figured "how heavy can it be?" Well it is quite heavy. The first time I went walking around with it, my wrists hurt before it was over. However, I do have Carpal Tunnel (or arthritis) in my hands so that didnt help. I have since become used to the weight though and it doesnt bother me a bit. At first I was really worried that I should have gotten something else. Everything I took pics of came out blurry. I kept thinking that Im never going to be able to take good pictures, unless I use a tripod, and I really hate walking around with one. Eventually I got used to the weight and my pictures started getting better and better. Now they are tack sharp, and the bokeh is to die for. If you get super close to something, you will have to put the lens on manual mode because it has trouble focusing. And you do not have to use a tripod with a bit of practice. The only thing I havent mastered yet, is bees, and Im getting better. They are fast! Ive heard that its a really good portrait lens too. I cant wait to try. So dont let everyone saying its too heavy, keep you from buying this lens. In the end you will not be sorry that you did.
I sell quite a few antique watches on eBay. In order to demonstrate the quality of my offerings to potential buyers, I use this lens for all macro (Nikon calls it Micro) photography. The results are superb. Actually, they are too superb: After I complete a photograph, I "blow it up" to check for focus (etc.). While doing this, I frequently find defects that are not obvious to the naked eye - even with a 5x magnifier! So, I then have to go back to the item and either clean off finger prints and/or disclose the defects in the listing. This lens is nothing less than amazing. It is also a perfect portrait lens, although portraits will require post processing (e.g., Photoshop) to _remove_ details and blemishes. :-) I believe that you will find my little review here consistent with reviews in photographic publications.
This is a wonderful lens, its like getting two for the price of one: a sharp portrait lens and a nice macro lens. I was shooting some action shots of my two year old as she ran around outside, the focus was quick and at 10 fps the vast majority of shots were sharp. What was really nice was getting some close ups and macro shots of her face... tack sharp eyelashes, and a soft velvety bokeh. My only regret was not getting this lens sooner.
I use this lens to shoot beauty images for cosmetic companies. When I need to shoot close-ups of eye, lips, ears (that has earrings), etc., this is my go to lens for this type of work. It produces incredibly sharp images and you can get up really close to your subjects without it "hunting" to obtain focus. Also, if you want to shoot portraits as well, this is a great lens to use for that purpose also. Couple this lens with a full frame camera, like the Nikon D800, and you will get great images. This lens has served me well for the last 5 years. From time to time, I rent a lot of the lenses I need to shoot fashion. However, this is one of the few lenses that I actually own and use quite a bit. Its a specialty lens, but you wont regret owing it.
Ive been using this lens for about two weeks now and I have to say that it it just a treat to be able to take macro shots so much more easily than before with my previous setup. Build quality is great, feels good to hold, but it is definitely bigger and heavier than any of my other lenses, so thats something to keep in mind when packing equipment for the day. The shots Ive gotten have been incredibly crisp and the autofocus mechanism is incredibly fast! Keep in mind that it isnt always accurate (especially at very close distances) and you should probably use autofocus to benchmakr and adjust afterwards using manual. Also, unless youve got incredible lighting everywhere you go, Id definitely recommend getting and bringing a tripod when you want to use this lens, as well as some kind of remote trigger. It will make your shots come out even MORE amazing, believe me! I havent done any professional work with this lens yet, but Ive been having a blast in the city taking macro shots of every little thing I find from puddles to potted plants. Great brand, amazing lens!
A. Goldberger
Since becoming a photography enthusiast in high school, Ive had to VERY carefully research new lenses before dropping money (or at least a hint to the parents) on a new one. I knew I would never be able to afford too many fancy or specialized lenses, so instead I have always sought out true workhorse lenses that offer maximum adaptability for their price point. This is one of those lenses. There are certainly cheaper lenses that offer macro capability, but most of these lack the focal length necessary to shoot insects or other tiny subjects without having to get so close as to drive them away. This lens is just long enough (105mm, or really more like 160 if shooting on a DX mount as I am) to capture tiny scenes without disturbing them. That, and it is RAZOR sharp. This lens makes better use of VR than any other Ive owned, allowing me to even (carefully, with both hands) shoot sharp handheld landscape shots on a gray, cloudy day. This is the only telescopic lens about which I would comfortably make that claim. I saved for months to buy this lens, and as soon as it finally arrived I knew I had made the right choice. It is heavy, but also incredibly solid; if I can keep the glass clean and scratch-free, I expect it to keep churning out great shots for decades to come.
Mel v
I absolutely love this lens. Its great for portraits being as its fixed. I shoot on Nikon D800 and the quality and clarity this lens gives is amazing. I know it can be used for macro photography, however, I shoot events such as Bar Mitzvahs and Weddings so I was looking for a reasonably priced portrait lens and this certainly did not disappoint.
Ive owned this lens for about six months now, and I can say with full confidence that it is one of the sharpest lenses in the Nikon lineup. I use it mostly for macro photography as well as portraiture, and for those purposes its perfect. Images are crisp, distortion-free, clean, and accurately cast. Even when shooting wide open at f/2.8 there is little softness or vignetting present. Comparing shots wide open with shots stopped down, even at 100% crops, shows little difference in clarity, contrast, and sharpness, from corner to corner. Im really impressed with how well this lens performs at its widest aperture. This lens is pretty much the do-it-all kind of device. You can shoot macro...you can definitely use it for portraiture (its almost the ideal focal length for portraits). You can even use it for landscapes, if you want to isolate a subject from its background. The bokeh this lens produces is clean and well-defined. The subject leaps out of a soft, creamy background, especially at wider apertures. This lens uses the 62mm filter size...I strongly recommend getting a clear or UV filter to keep on the front of the lens at all times to protect the front lens element. A UV or clear filter will help prevent dust and debris from settling on or inside the front of the lens, and will also help protect it in case you bump into something. The lens comes with the HB-38 lens hood, a sizable hood which further aids in protection of the front of the lens. Vibration Reduction works well...it affords the photographer the ability to get shots indoors in low light that would otherwise require a flash or higher ISO. I can routinely get crisp, clear shots with no motion blur at shutter speeds of around 1/15 second...something I cannot do with other lenses that dont have VR. Its not a heavy lens, nor is it especially light. You can easily carry this lens around on your shoulder all day without a problem. It doesnt quite have the strong, tank-like feel of other Nikon pro lenses (I would not feel comfortable dropping this lens onto a hard surface); it doesnt feel like the body is made of metal as much as it is composite plastic...which is ok, since it keeps the weight down. Considering the lens has a reach of 105mm at f/2.8, I think the weight of the lens is very acceptable. Ive never experience any issues with lens flare or ghosting, and Ive used it a great deal in sunlight. Personally, I think this lens is worth every penny of its sales price. Its not an inexpensive lens, but considering how well-rounded it is and how well it performs, the price is very fair and reasonable. Id recommend the 105mm Micro-Nikkor to anyone whos looking for an excellent performing macro or portrait lens.
This is the sharpest piece of glass I own. I expected that, of course. It has a solid feel that engenders confidence in the build quality. The focusing ring is wide and smooth, perfect for the manual focusing so often essential in macro photography. While using it as a hand-held telephoto with VR engaged, I get sharp shots in low light with little effort. It balances well on my D7100. I had high expectations and they were exceeded.
Compatible Camera Mount
Nikon F (FX)
Focus Type
Ring-type ultrasonic
Item Dimensions
4.57 x 3.27 x 3.27 in
Item Weight
1.74 lbs
Lens Type
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