Fujifilm Fujinon XF35mmF2 R WR - Black

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4.8 out of 5
Reviews: 20
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Michael C. Jackson
Lets get this out of the way, first - This lens is only 13 grams lighter than the F1.4. Its 5MM shorter. So if you are looking for this strictly because its a lighter and shorter lens, well - it IS, but not significantly. That being said, the lens is much better balanced than the front-heavy F1.4 - so it "feels" lighter when taken as a full package, at least with the X-T1. So dont fool yourself into thinking that there are significant weight and size reductions like youd see in a pancake lens, because there really arent. That is in NO WAY a mark against this lens, but I know that many are looking to this for the purposes of "weight reduction" - It will feel lighter because it is better balanced, but 13 grams is insignificant in the overall package - it ends up being 2% lighter overall with the X-T1. As long as you arent looking for a miracle there, this should be your lens of choice over the 35mm F1.4 unless you truly require the extra stop of light - If you think you do, but you arent sure, then you probably dont - for several reasons: - Its cheaper. The 35MM F1.4 looks good at sale prices right now, but thats only because the F2 R WR is newer. The price will drop more. This is a small point, because nobody got into fuji to save money. - Its weather resistant. I live in Seattle, and I want something I can take into inclement weather and not worry about. The 16mm and 18-135MM have both done well in this regard- Ive taken both out in wet weather (and near waterfalls, etc) and Ive had zero issues. This should be similar to the 16MM and superior to the 18-135MM in this regard. Fujis WR system is very well proven at this point. They will never advertise it as waterproof, because no camera maker really does, but its about as close as you can practically get at this point. I still wouldnt submerge it, thats just common sense, but theres no need to be afraid of weather. - It SEEMS to focus closer. This may be perception, as according to specs, the F1.4 focuses 7 CM closer. That may be the case, but it seems like that rarely ever happened, even deliberately in macro mode (which is supposedly no longer needed with the X-T1). Its something I always thought was really irritating with the F1.4 - and a huge point in favor for this, as there were plenty of times I couldnt focus anywhere near as close as I wanted to with the F1.4. This may not match technical specs, it may have even been a glitch with my F1.4. This is 100% subjective, and is mostly a matter of my own perception. - It focuses much, much faster, but more importantly, there is no focus hunt on this - It just locks focus immediately, with misses being VERY rare, and usually due to operator error or limits of the camera. The overall focus performance as fast as you can reasonably expect for a lens in this era, and leaves the old 1.4 in the dust. Does it completely replace the F1.4? For most people, Id guess yes. Theres a certain mindset that you must have the largest aperture possible for a focal length, and there are others that will gripe that this is really a F3 equivalent - These are largely irrelevant issues, and the type that typically comes with or leads to bad cases of "gear acquisition syndrome." It is true that this doesnt let in as much light. That can affect you when you are shooting in poor lighting at low ISO. Those are also the same cases that really require someone to operate slow, and focus manually, and really take their time with a shot. If you are the sort of photographer that works very slowly and deliberately, and you already have the 35MM F1.4, the only reason to get this lens would be if you are running into close focusing issues, or if you are concerned about weather resistance. For most people, the F2 will result in sharper images (due to the increased depth of field more so than the lens), and better overall usability - Theres a chance that action shots will be blurrier or that you will blur a bit more due to hand shake at slower speeds, but thats largely offset by the difficulty of getting in-focus shots at F1.4. Im not going to get into some of the pixel-peeping details regarding sharpness, etc - there are other resources that can do that better than I can. Im quite happy with that so far, but its also really unsurprising as every single Fuji lens is optically excellent. If your images arent sharp, the first place to look is at your technique. Chasing sharpness via lenses reaches diminishing returns very quickly, and its easy to start valuing lenses based on some technical quality thats only really observable in controlled conditions. I speak from experience, as I have gone down that route in the past. Dont get either lens over the other based on technical tests. Make the choice based on how you use it. For most people, that choice should be this lens. Finally, if youve always liked the X100 series, but felt that it was too wide and deserved a 35MM equivalent, this lens will put you closer to that than anything else in terms of focus performance, handling, and overall quality. Its still nowhere near the same in terms of close-focus and overall size - The overall package will still be twice as long. So again, dont expect miracles there. This lens is an excellent performer, and should be part of every Fuji X shooters kit. For someone new to the Fuji X system, this should be the first lens you purchase. For those of us who have been using the system for a while, if youve found yourself frustrated with some of the limitations of the F1.4 in terms of handling and focus performance, then Id highly recommend you give this lens a try. It has replaced the F1.4 in every way for me. On the other hand, if you have been perfectly happy with the F1.4, the only reason to look at this would be for weather resistance - and only after being very honest with yourself as to if you need it. Both lenses are excellent choices, and every Fuji X photographer should have one of them. Note that I said one - I cant think of any valid reason to have both. If you have some VERY specific use cases, perhaps you do, but youd already know if you needed both in that case. If you are wondering if you need both and truly arent sure, then the answer is no.
Just got this silver lens yesterday on 5/26. I have shot some photos with it. The focus is indeed faster than the older 35mm f1.4 on an x-t1. In good light, it doesnt hunt at all. More confident in its lock and completely silent. I have been going back and forth between single point and zone focus - both seem snappy in its lock and decision making. I find the build to be excellent. The aperture ring is dampened well but still smooth, like an old takumar aperture ring. Turning the manual focus ring is very smooth as well. Sharpness I find to be identical in close range. The difference is in the infinity focus area. I always found the older 35mm was a bit soft shooting any objects over 30 ft away - couldve been just my copy. But this newer 35mm is definitely sharper at all apertures at longer ranges. And in case if anyone is curious. The silver lens on a black x-t1 looks pretty good. Over-all, I highly recommend this lens based on a few hours of shooting. And with the price lower now, its well worth it. Updated June 10th I have added some photos I took with the lens. It performs great as an everyday, general purpose lens.
This is my first Fuji prime. First off this lens is an incredible value. It is made in Japan, metal and weather sealed. Im a Canon 5dMkIII shooter and relatively new to Fuji but the build quality and resulting images are close to L series glass. Not sure how Fuji does it but Im sure the price of this glass will go up from the introductory $399. I bought the XT1 as a weather resistant compact alternative to complement my SLRs and this lens really makes the XT system shine. It seems to accentuate all the positives: it is relatively small which keeps the system compact and balanced while maintaining the weather sealing. It works very well in low light and negates some of the focus lag of the xt1 (compared to an SLR). I took some low light museum shots and ones of my active toddler indoors and images come out sharp with nice bokeh. Great lens. Update: I dont like the screw in plastic lens hood that came with this lens and ended up replacing it with the metal Fuji version. Also noticed that this lens goes on sale for $299 a few times I year. I thought it was a good deal at 399... at 299 its a must buy.
Probably my most used lens even though it is not a focal length I use often. 50mm equivalent for me is generally a bit long for a walk around lens. Its great for half/full body portraits. With that said, I ended up using this lens anyway as a walk around lens because it was the best of what I had to work with. It was either this or my Samyang 12mm. Image quality: 10/10 The images are absolutely STUNNING. Ill attach some images for you to see. In terms of value, this is probably your best valued lens. Focus: 9/10 for my uses. I had no problems with the AF with my uses. It occasionally hunts in low light situations, but its not a big deal. Its not like youre going to use this lens to shoot sports/action or wildlife anyway. Build: 10/10 It is light. Meaning you would expect it to be cheaply built. But its not. Its light and DENSE. It just feels really nice in the hands. The focus and aperture rings are very smooth and feels great...albeit small. But what can I expect from a tiny little lens?
PROS: Super sharp in the center and gets even sharper in the center at smaller apertures. Excellent contrasty rendering! Quick and silent AF motor. Small, light, and well built. Has a nice smooth bokeh character. Great resistance to flaring and ghosting. CONS: Lots of vignetting and distortion in raw files. Bokeh can sometimes show onion rings. Edges and corners never get sharp, they in fact get worse as the aperture is closed down. Furthermore, the central circle of high resolution gets smaller instead of larger as the aperture is closed. This is opposite of every other lens Ive owned. I did multiple tests to make sure I wasnt going crazy but this is how the lens performs. The review over at Lenstip confirms this behavior. CONCLUSION: I think Fuji sacrificed a little too much to make this lens as small as it is. The optics need to be bigger/different to account for the resolution loss at the edges. I wouldnt mind if it was a little bigger, more like the size of the 23mm f/2, if it meant getting the lens to sharpen up properly. This lens was almost a winner for me.... I will stick with the f/1.4 version since it doesnt have issues with corner/edge sharpness.
I recently defected to Fujifilm from Canon and I am sooo glad I did. I love the compact size of everything in the Fuji line and this lens is no exception. This little lens can fit in a coat pocket but dont let its size fool you. It packs a good punch and is easily one of the better lenses Ive ever used CONSTRUCTION: The construction of this lens is top notch. Its so refreshing to see camera lenses being made of METAL, not plastic like nearly all of Canons lenses. Even my $700 Canon macro lens is plastic! The weather sealing this lens has makes it a very attractive lens for anyone that needs to work outdoors like landscape photographers. Whe paired with a weather sealed camera body, you have a great outdoor kit. It has a very solid build and the finish is smooth and feels amazing. OPERABILITY: This lens autofocus motor is not only lightning fast and extremely accurate but is also almost completely silent. You basically need to put the lens right up to your ear to hear it and even then its very quiet. The focus and aperture ring are both buttery smooth. The 35mm focal length (50mm full frame equivalent) makes this lens versatile and a good choice for many different photographic applications like portraiture and even some landscape. IMAGE QUALITY: for a 35mm focal length, it has beautiful bokeh thanks to the wide f/2 aperture. This also makes it a good choice for low light photography. Its not quite as wide as its f/1.4 cousin but it certainly can hold its own in less than perfect lighting conditions. It has outstanding contrast and color reproduction as well. The included pictures were taken straight out of camera and shot wide open at f/2 to illustrate the sharpness in the foreground and the pleasant blur in the background OVERALL: I cant say enough good things about this lens. I honestly cant find one bad thing to say about it. Its compact and lightweight, has a durable metal construction, itsweather sealed, sharp as a tac with creamy bokeh at f/2, silent, fast, and accurate autofocus, and is half the cost of its f/1.4 cousin that lacks in almost everything I just mentioned. Id also like to make note of the little things that Fuji includes with their lenses that many other manufacturers dont, such as a lens bag and a lens hood. With Canon, both of those are a separate additional expense to the customer. So thanks Fuji for including those things for free. It means a lot as a customer and it says a lot about Fujifilm company.
Tyler Riddle
I ordered my Xt3 with the kit lens cause that’s was available and I needed a second body to shoot with(a7iii) I grabbed this lens after watching some YouTube and I’m so glad I did the images that come from this lens is stunning !!!! I am now using this lens and camera more then my Sony a7iii it’s a joy to use focuses fast and quiet and is lightweight what more could you ask for? If your on the fence I’d pay double the price for this lens again in a heartbeat! It truly is a gem!
I got this with my XT-10 as part of a bundle. In total I have the XC 16-50mm, XF 16mm, and XF 90mm. So, I am fairly invested and not afraid to invest in Fuji X as my main platform. That said, this XF 35mm sees more use than any other lens I have. Its fast, small, light, and just right for framing every day shots - not too wide, not too tight, just perfect. Its also extremely affordable considering the quality making me fearless caring it in my bag or strapped everywhere I go, every single day. If its damaged or stolen, its not a huge deal. The other primes are near $1000 each and take phenomenal photos but they have their very specific place and get babies quite a bit more. The XC is very much a kit lens and I find little use for it given its poor performance in anything but perfect conditions. All this to say, if you only buy one lens, this is my pick. If you need to choose just one prime to walk around with, this is my pick. I am sure the slightly more expensive version is every bit as good.
Amazon Customer
Holy cow. This lens is magic. It is small, fast, and creates beautiful images. Is it fast enough? Depends on your requirements. I love how it can create beautiful brokeh even at F2. Get it now! It wont disappoint. What is my experience? I used to shoot weddings with Nikon systems for a couple years on the side for fun, D800 and other heavy expensive glass, 85 f1.4 (1st revision, 70-200 F2.8 2nd revision)
Amazon Customer
Amazing Clarity, ultra fast focusing and great low light performance with minimal noise. I bought this after the reviews were all positive and i figured it couldnt hurt. the lens has been glued to my XT10 and hasnt come off. Ive done a few shoots with this lens and have received incredible images. ive been uploading my work to 500px at 500px.com/akm2016 for more samples including portraits.
This fits your .
Make sure this fits by entering your model number. Weather-resistant design with 8 sealing points for weather- and dust-resistance and operation as low as 14 Degree. Inner focus system with 0.08 seconds autofocus speed and nearly silent operation. Focal length : 35mm (35mm format equivalent : 53mm) Nano-GI coating reduces ghosting and flare. 9 blade aperture creates smooth and circular bokeh. Minimum working distance of approximately 13 inches.Max. magnification:0.17x.Angle of view:44.2 degree
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