alejandro ramgoolam
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I have been using this camera just over 8 months now and I am very pleased with the performance of this camera in casual shooting and it has even managed to hold its own for me when tasked with some light event photography. The camera body is fairly light in hand in comparison to other DSLRs such as its predecessors the nikon 3200 and 3100 and it is also considerably less bulky than the 5300 and all 7000 series dslrs which make this camera very convenient for out door work. In portraiture the kit lens do more then you would expect in terms of quality; they are relatively fast autofocusing (for a kit lens) and the new VR2 lens design makes them much more compact than their predecessors as well. As a new photographer with this being the first DSLR I have ever owned I have found that through use of these lens that they are out grown fairly quickly. After a couple months of use the 55-200mm VR2 kit lens became inadequate in terms of its zoom capabilities. Despite that the biggest difference between a DSLR and a point and shoot is the ability to use different lens actually stopping to get your 55-200 lens and switch it with your 18-55 or vice versa nearly always causes you to miss the shot. For this reason I would recommend investing is a sigma(a third party company) 18-250mm lens and forgo purchasing the 18-55 and 55-200 since it will not require upgrading nearly as fast as the kit lens. It is the holiday season and the internet is flooded with inexperienced parents doing there holiday shopping as trying to figure out what all those acronyms mean and may be thinking that the magnitude of the number on the zoom is the soul factor on quality of a lens. If this may be you here is what you should know about this product. -Brand Nikon -Nikon makes two types of DSLRs FX sensor bodies and DX sensor bodies. FX sensor bodies are larger and there image quality is higher but so is their price; DX sensor bodies are smaller (since the DX sensor is smaller than the FX sensor) but their images are more noisy than that of and FX body -Noise is when a picture looks like there are grains of sand on it or white particles.(Noise is genernally unpleasant) -ISO is light sensitivity. When shooting in a darker are you increase your ISO to make the image brighter. The higher the ISO the more noisy the shot becomes. On this camera the noise produced between ISO 100-1600 is negligable. The noise at ISO 3200-6400 is noticeable but still manageable. The noise produced at ISOs higher than ISO 6400 I have found can make the shots unusable. (That is my opinion not necessarily through for someone else). -Shutter Speed is the amount of time light is allowed to come in contact with the shutter whilst taking a single image.Shutter speed is measured in seconds and fractions of a second. The highest shutter speed(smallest amount of time) on this camera is 1/4000 of a second. -Aperture is size of the opening in the lens in which light can pass through. -ISO, Shutter Speed and Aperture control image exposure on digital cameras - Image Exposure is how much light comes in contact with your cameras sensor when taking a single image.(How bright or how dark your image is) -This camera comes with Zoom lens -Prime lens are lens that do not zoom. Zoom lens are more convenient but prime lens produce images of significantly greater quality -The 18-55mm kit lens paired with a reverse ring does excellent macros -Macros are photos of small things so that they look big when scaled up for example a picture of a fly In summary this camera will give high quality performance in use and is very reliable with superior battery life to its predecessor the D3200 and comparable image quality to that of it 5000 series counter part the D5300 but the kit lens are not the best. They are good when it comes to kit lenses but they are just trumped in terms of quality produced by other equivalently priced prime lens. Thankyou for reading and I hope my revue was helpful and made your DSLR shopping experience easier. Happy Holidays.